Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Commission painting

I have been working on this painting for weeks. It is for a baseball (Yankees) fan of Yankee stadium. It has a few more things that need fixing and then some drying time. But the majority of the painting is done.
The thing about commissions is unless they are following you through the entire process I feel really nervous about what they will honestly think of what they have bought. Whoa, long sentence. It can be worse if they step by step, want changes, add input that is unrealistic or not in the paintings best interest, just in general keep having you make changes.
My friend who commissioned this was just like make it how you think it should be and I'll see it when you send it. Trusting that I will make a great painting. That is great but a lot of pressure to surpass expectations. I am happy with it and think it is successful but it really needs to be great.
The way I normally work, I futz with stuff for literally months, change it completely, wreck it and then either save it or toss the idea. Can't do that with a painting that's been commissioned. This should have been sent last week. Sheesh!
Hopefully PJ doesn't follow my blog, If so don't look below.

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