Saturday, August 2, 2014


So today I worked on a few things. I pulled my two recent gouache studies out. I have a little to finish up on the pink, wedding dinner. Both of these studies I want to make into large paintings. The have a single viewer, multiple perspective theme. As if the viewer is the center of everything. The perspective changes as you turn your head side to side. I think most people consider themselves the center of the universe. To a degree we all are the center of our own. I have made drawings like this before.
I guess all my pics will follow the text. 
I also am finishing up a commission cityscape. It is very similar to a painting from last summer. I think it turned out really well. Though I am trying to loosen up my paintings and paint more directly from life or sketches. When I am tied to photographs I lose some gestural quality that makes painting interesting to me.

This little landscape is a little more loosely made and I really like it. I also worked on the landscape today. I really like painting several things at once as it keeps me engaged.
Two or three more photos and then I have to go walk the girls, and call it a night.

I was painting the edges of the commission and used the acrylic to rework a fighting painting that I have been trying to work into something cool.

Sorry for the shine but you get the idea. I really want to move back to painting through things. Instead of being so locked down. I draw and sketch multiple images over the top of each other and juxtaposed with whatever is already on the page. I want my paintings to feel the same way. So here is a cityscape that I am also trying to paint through.

So I edited the pic so they are in the correct order, click on them to see the full image. 
This is what I worked on today. I also went cycling, trained at Evolution and watched some Forensic Files. From now on I am going to just do a daily journal. So you may see a lot of the same things over and over again. Tomorrow I finish my gouache studies and build some frames for paintings that are on flat material, boards and panels. Sam bought us a new saw! 
I will end tonight with a close up of one of my studies (is this the correct pluralization ?)

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