Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Tuesday August 5

So I delivered a painting today. I gave a portrait away yesterday to my Muay Thai coach, we had it up in our apt for the last few years. 
Sam says my blog posts are very declarative and make me sound like a simpleton. But I really just want to keep it basic and show people pictures. That and I have a big thumb. I type these on my phone and it's slow going. 
I used a clients pet as a subject and they bought the original. Pretty sneaky, huh? 
Actually they have a really cool looking miniature greyhound and I thought it could be a cool painting. Here is a photo. Cool huh? Just adding a black stretcher to the panel and adding a nice varnish just made it a beautiful object. I am really happy with it. 
I also am so close to finishing my gouache study of the wedding feast but need to paint through one of the figures before I post a pic. 

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