Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday, more sketchbook drawings

 this is screwed up, the blog is reading these 3 images as one.
this is old. ink wash

I really did a lot of crowd, street scenes of NYC when I first moved out here.

i also did subway scene paintings and drawings my first year in nyc. If i can find work that relates to this scene, which i know i have, i will try to link them

red ear slider

These are pretty close to in order, on a yearly basis. Last night I had grabbed some of my older, larger sketchbooks and I really pared down the drawings to, in my mind, the best sketches. As I was putting them back I found at least five more sketchbooks. Three sketchbooks per year is average. I could post five drawings a day on this blog and not have to do any new drawing for the next few years.
I really want to get through this older stuff though and get to the point where I am showing what I made the day before I post. It goes hand in hand with paintings that I am doing but also totally random ideas that I put away for later, or when I revisit those ideas I realize how dumb they are and scrap them.
I sketch with ball point pens for the most part. It is the most prevalent art tool in the world. I can always find a pen, no set up required, don't have to sharpen it, doesn't make a mess. I like that pens also show any mistakes that you've made. I can see how my first instinct for a line was wrong, the wrong angle, length, etc. It helps me to look before i make a mark. Blah, blah, blah. Less talk, more pics.

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