Sunday, September 9, 2012

MISC Magazine

Hello everyone who I pissed off in my last post! I guess you're not that mad, or just forgiving and know that saying stupid things is one of my many super-human abilities. Better than most!
Anyway I want to let you know that Sam got me another gig! Seriously, I am laughing but it's true. She was featured in this magazine last month, MISC, and suggested me to them. I kid! They actually asked me to suggest someone next month as well. I will post a link to his website, maybe. If he accepts my friend request. His name is Timothy Wilson, I don't know him just saw his paintings and they stuck in my head, I tucked them right into the future rip off file. So go buy a copy of MISC this month and you can tell everyone that you know someone famous and that she has a boyfriend and he is in this magazine. Too far? Look for this painting. I wish I could have put in one of my newer paintings but when the deadline came up this study was the newest. So wow I have done a lot of painting this summer. I know the website doesn't let you get an idea of how large the paintings are but I just finished a 4x6' and before that a 4x4' also a 3x4' and a 30"x40" all within the last two months. I also have a 3' drawing that will turn out cool and am working on a commission of Yankee Stadium, which is 36x60" It is going to turn out well, I can just feel it.
I am trying to loosen my hand up, trying to really dilute my paints down until they are almost washes and using large brushes, palette knives and using rags to smear in areas. I really need to come up with a way to lay paint down in thin lines, almost like a paint pencil. The problem with tiny brushes is that they don't hold much paint, so if you want to make a long line you have to make several short lines, end to end. if the brush has a longer bristle it spreads out on the canvas and widens the line. Palette knives make a blotchy, uneven line at best and at the worst they cut your canvas. I need to invent something to use. I will get back to you on this and try to sell it to you.
I want to show the Yankee Stadium but the person that commissioned it doesn't want to see it until it's done so I don't want to post it even though I don't think he looks at my blog.
I also updated my website with my newest paintings. They just aren't the same on-line as seeing them in life. Sam's paintings look great on-line, great in person. Mine only look good in life.

Sam said if you're going to write this much you better put some photos on here.

1 comment:

Conrad said...

I'm sure they look great in person (especially those huge canvases), but I enjoy the internet snapshots, too!